Tuesday, March 2, 2010

A Snowy Day


    Jonny's second tooth is starting to break through which has made for some long days and nights with an unsettled boy. Poor little guy. I thought we were golden since he really didn't fuss when the first one broke through, but it looks like we are not so golden with this particular tooth. I am very tired today.
     It's March! Woo hoo. My birthday month. I won't make my goal weight by my birthday--it was a lofty dream, but I have lost 3 pounds since starting the Self Challenge. I am motivated because there are still a few pieces of prepregnancy clothes that are a wee bit tight. I will get there, just not by March 17th. The good news is that I will get there before the warm weather strikes!
     Speaking of warm weather...Pete was all excited with the snow that we had last week, only to be disappointed with the above 30 degree weather that followed. He got back into a bit of snowmobiling this winter. I was excited for the snow because we had two snow days out of it! Seriously, teachers get just as excited as students about snow days.
     Lyds and Grandma Lenga made Lydia and Jonny snow people this weekend. They were very, very cute. Lydia always has a grand time with her grandma.

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