Friday, March 26, 2010

Our house is a very, very fine house

     Happy Spring! We had some nice weather recently, however, I am going to ignore that my car thermometer said 28 degrees this morning. There's no snow and it will warm up again. Right outside my window, I see a tree with some green buds just starting to show. Spring is near, despite the cold today.
     Self Challenge: I'm back on track and going strong this week. I had a very lenient last week, with all the birthday celebrating going on...
     ...and what a great birthday it was! I am happily 39, content with where I am in my life. My thirties have been very good to me. The first couple years were rough but led me to a great crossroads in my life. Some good things resulted from some the bad, and for that I am thankful for the lessons I learned. It led me to my wonderful husband, with two healthy and spunky kids, living in a nice home in the suburbs. I think the only thing we're missing is two cats in the yard. Frankly, I've always asked why two cats would be in the yard anyway? The lyrics to that song should be kids, and those I have. :)
     Lydia has decided that ballet AND tap were too much. She said she was "tired" and only wanted to do ballet. The next session for ballet is full so we're going to try a tumbling class instead. If she likes tumbling, we'll stick to that, otherwise, we'll go back to ballet, and I'll make sure we get registered early enough this time!
     Jonathan is the proud owner of four teeth now. I think he's grown a few inches too. It truly seems like he added a couple of inches overnight. Last night Pete and I were marveling at how long he is now. We swore he was going to jump his way right out of his jumperoo. He is making a lot of sounds, discovering squeals and screeches. He even does this fake cough that he thinks is pretty hysterical.
     Easter is around the corner so the Easter festivities have begun. I still have to get the house decorated this weekend. Lyds is very impressed that the "Easter Bunny comes at night, when we are sleeping, just like Santa!" This evening we have a mommy group Easter party at one of the bouncy places. Bouncing, pizza, and an Easter egg hunt. What could be more fun? Tomorrow we have another egg hunt at one of the local parks. Hopefully it warms up a bit for it. Lydia also has a "Safety First" (stranger danger) seminar to go to. She is one busy girl.

Sunday, March 14, 2010

Healthy living is all about balance

     I'm having a hard time with people telling me not to lose more weight. I am 141 and my goal, which is reasonable for my height and bone structure, is 130. I seem to take that comment personally. I lost this pregnancy weight (Lydia) the first time around with Weight Watchers, and while I was eating fairly healthy then, I am actually eating healthier now, incorporating more whole foods and eating less processed food. I stopped buying "diet" foods because most of those have added sugar and chemicals in them, which mess up your metabolism. Do I eat processed foods still? Yes, I am human after all. 
     I have yo-yoed with my weight since my early twenties. I remember seeing a photo of me when I first realized I had gained about 20 pounds. I did the gym, I dieted, and up until I started Weight Watchers, I probably wasn't that healthy about it. At the same time, I never really ever lost the weight. I just lost, gained, lost, and gained. I had a nice thin period that I call the divorce diet, but that didn't last once I met my current husband and became happy again. (Thanks a lot honey.)
     Since I am currently "dieting," I work on teaching my children about being healthy so they can have a good relationship with food and exercise.  I hate the word diet and I push "being healthy" at home. Lydia knows that she has to eat healthy food before she can have junk food. She actually prefers apple slices to fries with her happy meal. Yes, we eat at McDonald's. She likes to "workout." On occasion, she will eat a Boston Cream doughnut with mom at the kitchen table. We share the love for the same doughnut. It really is all about balance.
     So now, I'm on my last venture to lose weight (thanks Jonny) and I intend to keep it off this time around. Weight Watchers gave me the tools to know how to do it successfully this time. I have read a few books that gave me insight to how food choices affect your body, which has taught me how to make better choices with what I do eat.  I can ensure you that I do eat. I eat three balanced meals a day, with snacks. I don't eat like a bird. I eat real meals. Trust me, my non-breakfast eating friends can tell you how I tell them breakfast is the most important meal of the day. Do I count calories? Yes, loosely, so I can make conscious decisions about my food. I try not to eat mindlessly. I have a nice balance at the gym. I go most days of the week, but I'm not a freak about it. I'm at the gym for an hour or so at a time. I don't feel like I'm a failure if I don't go. I learned that it is key for me to workout in the morning if I intend to make it to the gym that day.
     So for those that tell me I don't need to lose any more weight~ Thank you for thinking I look good, but really, when you say that to me, I feel that you are saying that you don't think I am healthy and you don't think I have a handle on my weight loss. Ironically, I am healthier than I've ever been in my life. I don't think of myself as being on a diet. I am exercising and making healthy balanced food choices, all within a very reasonable calorie range. I know what my body is capable of and what I can maintain in lifelong terms. I promise you that I intend to annoy you with healthy living tips for a very, very long time.

Saturday, March 13, 2010

Next weeks project

     I think I found a project for myself in the next week. I have the perfect wall in the kitchen, with a great view from the family playroom to make this great chalkboard! Lyds, and eventually Jon, will just love this. I like the chair rail boarder too. This is a fun blog to follow too. She has some really creative home projects!

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

The Self Challenge Progress

     I will get a workout in today. Working out is NOT optional. I have a treadmill at home so if I can't use the fitness center at work later today, I can use my treadmill and weights at home. I will get a workout in today. Working out is NOT optional. I have a treadmill at home so if I can't use the fitness center at work later today, I can use my treadmill and weights at home. I will get a workout in today...
     Food has been going well. I'm reading The Beck Diet Solution...the cognitive approach to weight loss and maintenance. It's has some good tips, especially if diets have failed you in the past. It's not about the diet, it's your approach. It's a good read. Go check it out from your local library...and while you're at it, also check out Master Your Metabolism by Jillian Michaels. I haven't had diet soda since reading that book. It has certainly changed my view on "diet" foods. I won't be following the plan exactly as the book described, but it will change my approach to my food choices and the things I put in my body.
     I'm also giving myself a 6-week challenge to get buff arms. A fellow blogger developed her arms after a leg injury that kept her from her regular workouts. I want buff arms too. I had them once, I'll have them again. I just need to dedicate some strength training to them. Six weeks brings me to mid-April which is just in time for some nice springy arm showing shirts!

Friday, March 5, 2010

29 for the next 20 years

     Good lord this has been a long week. I was going to say, "Another week gone," thinking that I hadn't written since last week (excluding the photography entries), but it's only been three days.  I guess that must mean it really has felt like a long week.
     Self Challenge: Still going strong. I'm logging my food and workouts. I need to get my mornings together and get to the gym earlier so I can include the strength training. I'm having trouble getting my strength in because I'm only getting to the gym early enough to include my one hour of cardio. My food has been mostly good. I'm staying on track better than I had been. I think this challenge was the kick in the pants I needed to lose the final weight. 
     Jonny: Still teething like a mad, cranky babe. 
     Lydia: Still wants to be 16. "Mom, when I’m 16 I can take a school bus, but that's a long, long time away." She said this as she spotted a yellow school bus on the drive to preschool. I had to giggle to myself because I'm thinking, "When you're 16, you won't want to take the school bus anymore because you'll want to drive." Lydia wants to picnic in the park this weekend. Yes, she wants to picnic in the snow. I'm thinking we'll have to find a compromise. Eating in the snow does not appeal to me. Perhaps I can convince her, a picnic in the family room, to be good enough.
     Petar: Going snowmobiling this weekend. Hopefully it stays cold enough so the snow doesn't melt on him.
     Me: I have another "Mom's Night Out" tonight! Guitar Hero. Ha. That should be a funny sight. I'll have to remember to get a photo or two. I am not musically inclined and I will pretty much stink at it. Four of the girls I usually hang out with will be going. It should be a fun night! 
     I had an eye exam earlier this week. I have a new prescription so I ordered a new pair of glasses and sunglasses. I was really ready for new style sunglasses so I'm excited. They're ready to pick up today. I'll have to take a few pictures of the new glasses. They actually told me I needed a mild bifocal for reading. Yikes. They did say that I could wait on it since it is so mild so I did. Boy, do no-line bifocals add to the cost of your lenses! They want to see me every year now, instead of every two.
     We have an incredibly busy week next week~ dance, car appointment, pediatrician for shots, a play date, and a hair appointment and massage (my birthday gift). 12 more days until my birthday. I think I'm the only one my age that still acts like they're two when it comes to their birthday...and I'll be 39 this year. Happily, I am not someone that turns 29 for the next 20 years.

Jonny's slide show is complete!

Just when you thought I was done with photos...

Go to the link and put in Bojlevski for the password. (It is case sensitive.) She really has a nice gig here. You can view the slide show and order directly on the site. Very convenient!
Nice work Cyndi!

Most are photos you've already seen but there are a few new ones in the slide show.

Thursday, March 4, 2010

More of Jonny's 6 month professional photos!

Here are a few more from Jon's photography session last week! I love them! I will be a tough decision choosing which photos to order.

Her blog link is below if you wanted to visit her blog or get more info on her photography or comment on any of the photos!
If you decide to have some photos done with her, please use my name as a referral. What's really nice is that she comes right to your house to shoot the photos. Her prices run similar to the last photographer I used, which seems to be the typical rate for photographers with  this style.

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

A Snowy Day


    Jonny's second tooth is starting to break through which has made for some long days and nights with an unsettled boy. Poor little guy. I thought we were golden since he really didn't fuss when the first one broke through, but it looks like we are not so golden with this particular tooth. I am very tired today.
     It's March! Woo hoo. My birthday month. I won't make my goal weight by my birthday--it was a lofty dream, but I have lost 3 pounds since starting the Self Challenge. I am motivated because there are still a few pieces of prepregnancy clothes that are a wee bit tight. I will get there, just not by March 17th. The good news is that I will get there before the warm weather strikes!
     Speaking of warm weather...Pete was all excited with the snow that we had last week, only to be disappointed with the above 30 degree weather that followed. He got back into a bit of snowmobiling this winter. I was excited for the snow because we had two snow days out of it! Seriously, teachers get just as excited as students about snow days.
     Lyds and Grandma Lenga made Lydia and Jonny snow people this weekend. They were very, very cute. Lydia always has a grand time with her grandma.

Best ofThe Past: Trainer Tells All – What I Have Learned About Health and Fitness

This is an excellent read! There are some really great tips and suggestions in the article.

Best of the Past: Trainer Tells All – What I Have Learned About Health and Fitness