Monday, June 14, 2010

Final Countdown

     It's the final countdown for summer. Regent’s exam week. Proctoring hell. I already finished my end of the year paperwork since today only had morning exams scheduled. It's going to be a long two weeks. I still have to create next year's student schedules but I can't even touch that until the master schedule is completed.
     I had my best running time for a four mile run (9:48 avg pace). I felt pretty good about that. I have a five mile run tomorrow and seven miles on Saturday, with some three milers sprinkled in between. Laurel is meeting me tomorrow morning for our five miles. All of this running for a 15k race I'm not even participating in. Laurel and I talked about moving ahead to a half marathon training plan after this. It's only a few more miles. There is a half marathon in Rochester in September, that both Laurel and Emily are urging me to do, but really, I'm not sure I could do it anxiety wise. I'm a freak, what can I say? There's also one in Lake Placid that seems MUCH more intriguing. What's not to like in Lake Placid, except for some hills? There's also a half marathon scheduled in Syracuse the same weekend...lots to think about. I'm considering it. 


  1. Hope the end of the year goes quickly!!

    Go you on the runs! Wow. So very, very impressed and happy for you. A sub-10 minute mile? And multiples of them? Jealous. ;-) Seriously, you are doing amazing and could so easily do a half. I have no doubt about it. If you set your mind to it, it will happen. But, just make sure if you do it, you are doing it for you. That sounds strange, but don't just do one because everyone (me included) says you can/should/etc. Only do it if it's something YOU want to train for and YOU want to accomplish.

  2. Oh, it would totally be for me. Like I said, racing in the past has never been fun for me because my HR shoots through the roof. I train with a HRM so I know where it should be based on the pace I'm running. On a regular run I'm fine, but in a race situation I get all sorts of flustered in my running. It's all in my head. I just have to figure out how to get over it. Part of me is actually getting excited about the idea of a half marathon. So far my training has been going well for the 15k and I've seen improvements in my running. I'm thinking it might be time to try again.
