I am 29-weeks pregnant. I can't believe that in 10-weeks the baby will be here! We have a lot we want to do be then! We have to paint Lydia's room, paint the bathroom, and put together Jonathan's nursery. Lyds will be getting some new bedroom furniture and Jonathan will get the 2nd round on the nursery furniture.
We just recently bought a new treadmill. I was too tired with this pregnancy to get up for my morning workouts at the gym and I was freaking at the thought of how I was going to manage TWO kids and still get a workout in before work. I just don't do well getting a workout done in the afternoon. I am typically too worn out and find a million excuses not to head to the gym. I mean after a day of work, I want to get home and do something with my kid, not head to the gym. I have play dates to take Lyds too! We are busy people! We have things to do, people to see.
So we bought a treadmill and I can workout at home. I am still most successful with the morning workouts, so it looks like even with two kids and a treadmill at home, my alarm will still continue to ring in the wee hour at 4:00am. The treadmill is a nice one and I'm really enjoying it. It is i-fit compatible so I'm having fun playing with a Jillian Micheal's i-fit treadmill program.
I've decided I'm not going to adjunct teach this fall semester. I won't be taking as long of a maternity leave as I did with Lyds so I want to make sure that I can enjoy my evenings with my family and not have to worry about LeMoyne things. Working full time and having just one child made it a bit difficult to teach the one evening class at LeMoyne so I really can't imagine how worn out I'd be when you add a newborn to that mix.
Pete is trying to get fishing in while he can this spring. He's headed to the Cattaraugus tomorrow to go fishing with two of his friends. I'm keeping him busy with little home projects. Last weekend we got the yard together...and his new upcoming project will be to put a new set of stairs going into the backyard. That should be an interesting project. I picked up a few books from the library so hopefully he'll take a look at that so he can see what he's getting into. (Hey Brother-- if you're reading...I know you're just dying to come out for a weekend afternoon to help him since you couldn't help in the fall with the swing set...)
Lyds is crazy Lyds. She is very excited about being a big sister and loves on my belly all of the time. Her latest mission is being consistent with pooping on the potty. She's still hit and miss but she is getting better. I am trying to bribe her with dance classes and seems very excited at the idea. The classes start at 3 years but they need to be fully potty trained. I found a little ballerina costume and brought it home for her today. She wore it all evening and it seemed to help in getting her more excited about the idea of ballet class. AND she did poop on the potty tonight.
We just recently bought a new treadmill. I was too tired with this pregnancy to get up for my morning workouts at the gym and I was freaking at the thought of how I was going to manage TWO kids and still get a workout in before work. I just don't do well getting a workout done in the afternoon. I am typically too worn out and find a million excuses not to head to the gym. I mean after a day of work, I want to get home and do something with my kid, not head to the gym. I have play dates to take Lyds too! We are busy people! We have things to do, people to see.
I've decided I'm not going to adjunct teach this fall semester. I won't be taking as long of a maternity leave as I did with Lyds so I want to make sure that I can enjoy my evenings with my family and not have to worry about LeMoyne things. Working full time and having just one child made it a bit difficult to teach the one evening class at LeMoyne so I really can't imagine how worn out I'd be when you add a newborn to that mix.
Pete is trying to get fishing in while he can this spring. He's headed to the Cattaraugus tomorrow to go fishing with two of his friends. I'm keeping him busy with little home projects. Last weekend we got the yard together...and his new upcoming project will be to put a new set of stairs going into the backyard. That should be an interesting project. I picked up a few books from the library so hopefully he'll take a look at that so he can see what he's getting into. (Hey Brother-- if you're reading...I know you're just dying to come out for a weekend afternoon to help him since you couldn't help in the fall with the swing set...)
Lyds is crazy Lyds. She is very excited about being a big sister and loves on my belly all of the time. Her latest mission is being consistent with pooping on the potty. She's still hit and miss but she is getting better. I am trying to bribe her with dance classes and seems very excited at the idea. The classes start at 3 years but they need to be fully potty trained. I found a little ballerina costume and brought it home for her today. She wore it all evening and it seemed to help in getting her more excited about the idea of ballet class. AND she did poop on the potty tonight.
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