Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Everything is Fine, NY

     Lyds and Pete both went with me to my sonogram appointment. It was a complete sonogram so it took a bit longer than I expected but it was quite cool to see the baby again. My placenta has moved back to where it should be-- no placenta previa! He is in vertex position and based on the measurements is approximately 3.25-3.5 pounds and measuring about 2-weeks ahead. It doesn't mean I'll go early, it just means I might have a bigger baby. All kids grow at different rates so who knows, perhaps he'll slow down a bit and be of average size. Right now he is measuring in the 68th percentile based on my due date.
     I also planned our annual weekend with my brother's family at the camp in Fine. OK, to be fair, I didn't actually plan it, I just harassed my brother into getting it planned. I love doing this weekend and we have been doing this together for the past few years. I think last year was the best year so far just because it was so awesome to watch Lyds interact with her cousins and have such a great time fishing off the end of the dock. I am guessing this year might even be a bit more fun just because she is that much older to get more out of the experience. Here are some of the photos from our weekend last year:

fishing off the dock

oops! a dropped pole.

cousin Ava with her mom
(Ava is the cousin Jonathan will share a birthday with)

the pond

hard at work!

look at what daddy caught! (and right back into the water it went.)

Lydie's fish!

cousin Amelia

and this last photo is the most important of it all. that's my brother. he has inherited the breakfast man duty at camp from my father. this is the best of the memories!

And with that, thank you mom and dad for giving me all of the family memories I have from my own childhood and realizing how important it is to offer these very same kind of blessings to my very own family!


  1. AnonymousMay 07, 2009

    Hi Carrie :)

  2. It looks like a fun time.

  3. Thank you Carrie. Would love to join you guys this year if possible. When is the trip planned?

  4. June 12th weekend. it might be nice for you to come this year to pick up my pregnancy slack. :)

  5. So glad you are all enjoying Long Pond so much.
    I too believe it is a treasure and feel truly blessed to be a part of it all.
    You do such a great job with the blog, Thanks for the invite.

  6. Thanks Linda! I do love Long Pond and hope it is a family tradition for a long time to come.
