I'm very tired this weekend but I'm getting a lot done. Call it nesting if you must. I have a few closets cleaned out, the basement semi-reorganized, and Jonathan's room has been cleared and is ready to become a nursery. Perhaps I can convince Pete to take down the bed today so while his friends are here for the picnic we can have them help bring the mattress to the garage. (Pete's parents are taking the bed from that room.) Hmmm, that reminds me, I do have a dresser I want moved down to the basement from that room as well. Ha, I guess our cookout guests didn't know we'd be putting them to work today!
Today is flower planting since I didn't get to it earlier this weekend...followed by a cookout this afternoon. Chicken speedies, tuna macaroni salad, a fun potato salad, garden salad, baked beans...and Lyds convinced me to make cupcakes with her last night. We have a few friends coming over with their kids.
Pete didn't get to the furniture, other than the nightstand so far, since I put him to work, helping me get organized. He was my runner-- bringing things from upstairs, down to the basement. That was very helpful, and even with that help, my body is still feeling all the work I did this weekend. I just ache all over today. Perhaps he can get the crib together or a 2nd piece for Lydia 's room finished after our cookout today. I did request his help with flowers this morning. I told Lyds she was going to help and she's is very excited about it.
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