I am at the official halfway point of my weight loss journey. Twenty-one lost, twenty-one to go!!
(Can you tell I'm just a wee bit excited about it??)

We are at Day 3 of back-to-work. I am T.I.R.E.D. I am fine getting up for the wee hour gym time. I am fine for most of the work day. I fall apart with tiredness a bit after dinner time. What's actually taking away a bit of morning gym time for me is that I don't have my nights together yet. I need to get everything ready for the next day, the night before, and I'm usually crashing and don't do it, which of course makes me in a mad rush to get it together before I leave the house for the gym. That's the only part I just don't have together yet. I'll get there. It is only Day 3.
I'm also thinking I need to pick up Lydia before I pick up Jonny. Lyds wants me to stay at preschool for a bit when I pick her up and I just think it would be easier all the way around if I'm not trying to lug Jonny in the baby carrier through preschool. When I pick up Jon, I can leave Lyds in the car since it's just the sitter's house. Or she could go in, but I do think I'd have an issue (ie.fight) with getting her to leave because she'll want to stay and play with the sitter's five year old daughter. I just don't think I'll go there, at least just yet.
She is still being a monster with behavior and doesn't want to listen for the life of her. Last night we had a stand-off on where she was going to do her time out. I told her to go upstairs and she said she wanted to do it in the livingroom. I told her she didn't have a choice. So she sat in her chair in the livingroom and I ignored her. She said she was hungry and I told her she could eat after her timeout upstairs. She didn't move. Suddenly the potty called her for a poop. She pooped and I secretly hoorayed that it wasn't in her pants. I reminded her she needed to still go upstairs for her timeout. She did. Phew. After a 30-minute stand-off, she went upstairs and finally did her timeout and I fed her dinner.
Congrats on the weight loss! That's awesome!
ReplyDeleteUgh. Sorry getting back into the swing of things is taking time to work itself out, but you are right, you are only 3 days in.
Wow. Lyds is getting herself in all sorts of trouble lately. Hope she gets herself together.
Oh Lydia. LOL D was headstrong too- my god what a pain he was when he set his mind to something. He still is. First child syndrome perhaps? I don't remember mom saying I was that way though. I don't think I became a pain until I was a teenager.
ReplyDeleteChris-- Lyds is just in her terrible threes and on her way to fabulous fours. At least I hope. :)
ReplyDeleteTracy-- I think I should just send her to Wasilla for some boot camp this summer.