Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Jonny's Baptism

     Sunday was Jonathan's baptism. We did it the big, fat Eastern Orthodox way.  It's a very nice baptismal service but it's highly traditional and longer than the average baptism. We don't attend St. George Church on a regular basis but we did have our wedding at the church, as well as Lydia's baptism. We are practicing Christians and attend Cicero United Methodist Church on a regular basis. I do like the tradition involved in the Orthodox special services but on a weekly basis I will admit prefer a Protestant service as it's more in my comfort zone. For Pete's family, I think the Orthodox Church is what helps keep the Macedonian community together. Many in the older generation immigrated here from Macedonia or Australia and the church is a nice way to keep them connected and their culture alive. I do wonder what will happen to that church because when we do attend a service there, I don't see very many people in our generation attending. Orthodoxy seems to be very cultural rich with each ethnicity having their own Orthodox Church.
     Jon's baptism went well. Jon almost went for a nose dive on his first dunk in the water. Jon is no worse for the wear though and is now officially blessed. Pete's brother Bobby and my cousin Jean were the godparents. I will have pictures to share, someday. It's just finding the time to actually upload them off my camera! Perhaps I can get some posted if mom sends me the link to the photos she took.
     The luncheon was at Bull and Bear Pub. It's owned by Pete's best friend and he did a wonderful job for us. The food was spectacular and it was so nice to not have to worry about anything. I was able to go home to a clean house and I didn't have to do any dishes! That alone was worth the cost. 
     Thank you to all my family and friends who were able to share in Jonathan's baptism with us! We are blessed to have you in our lives.

Thursday, November 12, 2009

The Good Dad


     On Sunday, my mom commented to Pete that he was a good dad. I tend to agree. I think he's a pretty good husband too. I hope I remember to tell him that enough. 

To my dear husband Petar,
     Thank you for taking care of our children. Thank you for helping to get the kids ready every morning so I can have time to go to the gym. Thank you for helping at night, changing diapers and feeding Jon. Thank you for meeting us at ballet just to watch Lydia at the end of her class, doing the dance she just learned. Thank you for the night time routine you created with Lydia-- reading her 2 books and then telling her the story you make up each night. Thank you for playing tag and hide-and-go-seek with Lydia. You are creating memories for her. Thank you for knowing me well enough to step in and help (without asking) when I've had a hard day. Thank you for going to church with us every Sunday. Thank you for night time prayers and mealtime grace. Thank you for helping me clean the house each week. Thank you for helping out with dinner on the nights I am too tired to pull something together. Thank you for all the special memories we create on our weekend family outings. Thank you for making me feel loved and safe. Thank you for the beautiful home that we have created together. Thank you for being a wonderful husband and a fantastic dad. I feel lucky to have met you. You make my life better and I love sharing it with you.
Love always,

Saturday, November 7, 2009

Jonathan's 3-month and family (JLHill Photography)

Well here they are~ the photos we had taken earlier today. Jaime is fast on the turn-around.


Elf on a Shelf

     Today was family photo day of the JLHill variety! I can't wait to see how they turned out this session. So far they have been great so I'm expecting no less. I'll post them all here once she sends them to me.
     After the photos we went to the mall for lunch and bouncy house time for Lyds, but they were having a private party so frozen yogurt had to do instead. I hit The Children's Place and bought Jon a snowsuit and something for Amelia's birthday. The mall is all decked out for the holidays and I'm very excited for them this year. This year was supposed to be Thanksgiving with my mom but she is ditching us to visit my step-sister Chrissy's family, so we'll be having dinner at home and inviting Pete's parents.
     I'm thinking of introducing Lydia to this Elf on a Shelf. Isn't in a great idea? It's funny because I threatened Lyds with the "Santa's watching you" today and she said, "Well, I don't see Santa here." I'm wondering if Lyds will buy into that elf on our shelf?  Perhaps this year, but probably not next. Regardless, he's a very cute elf to have sitting among the holiday decorations.


Friday, November 6, 2009

Crack Houses


     On the way home from preschool Lydia told me she wants to be an architect. I asked her, "What do architects do?" She said, "They make plans for houses, and draw maps, and build houses, and bridges. They fix crack houses." That stopped me dead in my tracks. "What are crack houses," I asked? She replied, “Houses with cracks in them. Broken houses, mom." Like, duh, why didn't I know what crack houses were? 
     Last night we went to Chuck E Cheese. She has been asking to go for weeks. (Damn commercials.) So we went and she had a blast!! Pete is certain we're all going to get swine flu now and I guess we'll just have to wait and see. Lyds had a great time though. I was impressed at how well she figured things out on her own. My baby girl is growing up. 
     Jonny is gassy as all get-out lately and I totally blame that on Pete's genes. Poor little guy. He has gas and poops just like a man. He cracks me up with the little grunt sounds that he makes when pooping. I am convinced Jonny is getting a cold because he's coughing a bit. Pete told me I'm just looking for a way to stay home. Perhaps. At least it's Friday and I have the weekend with my kids. I'm very excited. It's going to be family weekend. No fishing allowed. On Saturday we have family photos (Jonny's 3-month photos) and Sunday is my niece Amelia's birthday party.

Thursday, November 5, 2009

Back to work

Emotionally I'm having a harder time this time around than I had with Lyds. This time it's two kids, plus Jon is younger.  I'm carrying around a lump in my chest, missing my kids.  Intellectually I know it will pass with time. I just wish it would get here already. This really stinks. Lalalalala. Four more hours until 3:00.

Wednesday, November 4, 2009


I am at the official halfway point of my weight loss journey. Twenty-one lost, twenty-one to go!!
(Can you tell I'm just a wee bit excited about it??)
     We are at Day 3 of back-to-work. I am T.I.R.E.D. I am fine getting up for the wee hour gym time. I am fine for most of the work day. I fall apart with tiredness a bit after dinner time. What's actually taking away a bit of morning gym time for me is that I don't have my nights together yet. I need to get everything ready for the next day, the night before, and I'm usually crashing and don't do it, which of course makes me in a mad rush to get it together before I leave the house for the gym. That's the only part I just don't have together yet. I'll get there. It is only Day 3.
     I'm also thinking I need to pick up Lydia before I pick up Jonny. Lyds wants me to stay at preschool for a bit when I pick her up and I just think it would be easier all the way around if I'm not trying to lug Jonny in the baby carrier through preschool. When I pick up Jon, I can leave Lyds in the car since it's just the sitter's house. Or she could go in, but I do think I'd have an issue (ie.fight) with getting her to leave because she'll want to stay and play with the sitter's five year old daughter. I just don't think I'll go there, at least just yet.
     She is still being a monster with behavior and doesn't want to listen for the life of her. Last night we had a stand-off on where she was going to do her time out. I told her to go upstairs and she said she wanted to do it in the livingroom. I told her she didn't have a choice. So she sat in her chair in the livingroom and I ignored her. She said she was hungry and I told her she could eat after her timeout upstairs. She didn't move. Suddenly the potty called her for a poop. She pooped and I secretly hoorayed that it wasn't in her pants. I reminded her she needed to still go upstairs for her timeout. She did. Phew. After a 30-minute stand-off, she went upstairs and finally did her timeout and I fed her dinner.