Pete is going to an urologist next for a second opinion, just to be on the safe side. The results from the sono were inconclusive since they couldn't find the lump on the sonogram. More than likely it's an enlarged vein, but they want to be sure.
We had quite the rain early this morning. It tipped our umbrella on our glass table, causing the table to break. That should be fun for Pete to clean up. Notice I said Pete and not me! I also want Pete to clean out the garage this weekend. Since decent weather seems not to come around that often, I want it cleaned, and ready for the winter before it gets too cold to want to be out there cleaning. Once again, I said Pete, not me. Poor Pete. He is going fishing for a bit this weekend while the kids and I go to a birthday party!
The weight loss continues to be slow and steady. I wish it were a bit faster, but I know something is always better than nothing, so I'll take the something! I did an interval workout in this morning and I plan to do weights later. Tomorrow night I'm going to the gym for a zumba class with a friend. I hope to god that I don't trip over my own feet. I am a zumba virgin and not the most graceful in the world. I should put myself in the back corner of class so I don't hurt anyone with my flailing! We recently had a few nice autumn days. I mapped out a 3-mile walk in the neighborhood and did that with the kids. Lyds likes to sit in the stroller and I strap Jonny on in the chest carrier. Lyds was actually a bit upset yesterday that we didn't have time to do our walk.
Gah! There's just three and a half weeks left of maternity leave. Part of me is itching to go back since it's inevitable anyway. It will be nice to establish a routine again. The other part of me would like to stay home for...well, for a long, long time.
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