Jonathan Petar Bojlevski was born on July 16th, 2009 at 1:26pm. He was 8.79 pounds and 21-inches long.
Happy 6-weeks to Jon today!
My section was scheduled for the July 16th at 10:00am. I had to be at the hospital by 8:00. I set the alarm for 6:00 so we could get Lydia to my mothers before we left. I wanted to have enough time to have a nice good-bye with Lydia.
The alarm went off at 6:00 and my water broke somewhere between 6:10 and 6:15. Go figure. Jonathan had his own delivery plans! I called mom and told her to come pick up Lyds to save us some time. She asked me if I was contracting and I told her I wasn't. The contractions did start shortly after that and they seemed to come hard and fast. I remember being annoyed with mom because she took 'too long' to get to the house. We jumped in the car and headed to the hospital. We were stuck for a bit in the downtown construction traffic and Pete was running a few red lights once we got off the highway. By the time I arrived at the hospital, I was 4 centimeters dilated and fully effaced. Within a half hour, I felt the need to push. They checked me again and I was fully dilated.
In my head, I was still prepping for the section and they were prepping me as well, because that was what I wanted. At that time though the nurse suggested that I just deliver. The doctor for my section was still in route to the hospital. She had to be called since it was before my scheduled section time. I think my head spun like the exorcist and told her I needed pain medication. They called the doctor and got approval to give me something for my drip to take the edge off. I really was not mentally ready to deliver and was petrified that I'd have a similar delivery of Lydia. A while later, they suggested delivery again. I told them I'd need an epidural. I couldn't do it without an epidural. Another call to the doctor and the epidural was approved.
I did push for two and a half hours, but it was nothing like Lydia's tense delivery. It was relaxing and I pushed when I wanted. We needed to use suction to finish Jon's delivery, which we also did with Lyds. I just couldn't seem to get their heads past my pubic bone. With Jon, he came out on the first try. They immediately lay him on my belly and Pete was able to cut the cord; both experiences that we didn't get to enjoy with Lydia. Lydia was immediately whisked away since she was in distress, so it didn't even dawn on me that they would lay Jon on my belly. What a lovely and touching experience that was. It felt completely overwhelming and good.
I am so pleased with my delivery. I'm also thankful that I was able to have such a pleasant birth experience this time. My recovery has been amazing. Again, much, much better than my recovery with Lydia. This time, I was able to get back to exercise just 10-days after delivery. I had none of the extra pains that I felt with Lydia. I was shocked that a recovery could be so quick.
Things have been going well at home for the past six weeks. I'm not returning to work until Columbus Day. That will give me an additional month home with Jonathan. I just couldn't see returning to work when Jon was only eight weeks old. We are enjoying our time and keeping busy doing the playgroup activities and getting together with friends and family. We are keeping just as busy as we've always been!
What a wonderful memory of the day. :) So glad it went so smoothly, even if it wasn't what you were anticipating. Sometimes life surprises you, huh?
ReplyDeleteYes, Jonny's delivery was a very nice surprise.