Phew. Just seven silly days left of this. We officially have central air now. Laundry is caught up to where it should be. Jonathan has a full closet. I do still need to pack my hospital bag and a bag for Lyds for staying at moms. I'll do one last clean of the house in the next few days with Pete's help. He has been wonderful in helping me with things. He has become my official vacuum cleaner.
Cousin Jean had her baby yesterday. Her first son, Joseph, is just two months younger than Lydia . Our second set of kids will just be 8-days apart, both are boys this time! The baby posted in this entry is Jean's. I think his name is going to be Paul George. Lyds and I are going for a visit in a little bit. I just need to get motivated to get ready to go!
I am so slow these days. I'm not sleeping well so I'm tired, tired, tired. I am a slug. Lydia keeps me moving though. We had a play date at the house yesterday afternoon. Just three moms so it was lovely. They are moms that see quite frequently in and outside of the group. It was a nice visit!
We don't have much planned with the mommy group from here on out though. We have a busy weekend of graduation parties and a birthday party. I plan to use today and tomorrow to pack those bags and get my sprinkle thank you notes done! I also have to return a heap of library books and videos. Next Wednesday is my pre-admissions appointment at the hospital and then I think we're going to have a nice family day. We don't have specific plans for it yet, but I want to do something fun with Lyds, perhaps a picnic at the beach, if the weather allows. I also mean EASY picnic, like subs and chips from Wegman's type of easy!!
Next Thursday is the BIG DAY!
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