Jonathan Petar, born July 16, 2009 at 1:26pm. 8.79 pounds, 21-inches long. He ended up not being a section so I have a birth story to share. I'll try to get something posted in the next few days! In this photo Jonathan is 6-days old.
Tomorrow is pre-admissions day, the final countdown day to the next major event in my life. My appointment is exactly 24-hours before I'll be giving birth. It starts the final day of our life as a family of three. Amazing.
After the appointment, we plan to do some family activity. We're not sure exactly of our plan. There was talk of the beach, the zoo, a picnic...we don't really know yet, but we'll be together, doing something as a family of three. It will be bittersweet. I will miss my time only having Lydia but I am also very excited to start the next ride that my life is offering.
The next time I update, we’ll be a family of four.
Phew. Just seven silly days left of this. We officially have central air now. Laundry is caught up to where it should be. Jonathan has a full closet. I do still need to pack my hospital bag and a bag for Lyds for staying at moms. I'll do one last clean of the house in the next few days with Pete's help. He has been wonderful in helping me with things. He has become my official vacuum cleaner.
Cousin Jean had her baby yesterday. Her first son, Joseph, is just two months younger than Lydia. Our second set of kids will just be 8-days apart, both are boys this time! The baby posted in this entry is Jean's. I think his name is going to be Paul George. Lyds and I are going for a visit in a little bit. I just need to get motivated to get ready to go!
I am so slow these days. I'm not sleeping well so I'm tired, tired, tired. I am a slug. Lydia keeps me moving though. We had a play date at the house yesterday afternoon. Just three moms so it was lovely. They are moms that see quite frequently in and outside of the group. It was a nice visit!
We don't have much planned with the mommy group from here on out though. We have a busy weekend of graduation parties and a birthday party. I plan to use today and tomorrow to pack those bags and get my sprinkle thank you notes done! I also have to return a heap of library books and videos. Next Wednesday is my pre-admissions appointment at the hospital and then I think we're going to have a nice family day. We don't have specific plans for it yet, but I want to do something fun with Lyds, perhaps a picnic at the beach, if the weather allows. I also mean EASY picnic, like subs and chips from Wegman's type of easy!!
The countdown continues! 11-days left. Phew!
A decision on the central air has been made. We should be getting it installed on Wednesday! Yippee! That solidifies my plans to have a margarita party with my girlfriends in August. Now I won't feel bad inviting my friends over to a sweat box of a house. I love my margaritas and during this pregnancy, I have done nothing but crave them. I'm actually craving most citrus. Lemonade can pacify me but really, there is nothing like a good margarita, is there? Really, truly, I think my dad should plan a visit and host it for me. He makes a damn good margarita.
I still haven't taken photos of the bath and Lydie's room and I do have a few photos to upload off the camera. In the meantime, here are a few photos from the batch my mom emailed me today...
Happy Anniversary! Four years of wedded bliss, a new home, a beautiful daughter and a son on the way! It's amazing how life can happen.
Occasionally I do stop and wonder how in the world I got so lucky. I have had my share of bad times before landing where I am now, so perhaps that's why I can stop and appreciate what I have. It certainly helps that I have a great husband and partner to share my life and raise a family. It makes the rest just so easy.
We're headed out for a child-free dinner tonight. Thanks Grandma Lenga! We're also going to stop and order our maternity photos. I have no idea how we'll choose which ones to order.
Things are slowing down at home. The only thing left is for Pete to work on the back stairs. We need to build safer stairs and fix the landing area. We are also considering getting the central air this year instead of next year. I won't complain about that!
There is just two weeks left before we meet Jonathan! In just 14-days, life will change again. Incredible.
I'm almost caught up with the laundry. It has dwindled from an obscene amount to just a few loads. I thought I'd never get through it all. Sadly, however good, life has slowed down so there isn't much to write. We have a busy weekend planned and perhaps I'll even take some photos to post since I now have a new memory card for the camera. I also found the old one a few days after the new one arrived. Typical. The new one is a larger card though and I guess it's always good to have a back up--you never know when you might lose one. ;) Perhaps I'll even think to take a few photos of the bathroom and Lydia's room.