Pete finally finished Lydia's bedroom. The nursery is complete. The bathroom is painted. Lastly, Lyds room is finished! Woo hoo. I went to take some photos and realized that after I had uploaded the Disney trip photos, I must have misplaced the camera memory card. It has vanished. I ordered another one. I found a good deal online with free shipping, and I was just too lazy to head on out to a store to buy one. Once that arrives, I'll post some photos. The next project (for Pete) -- finish staining the swing set and build the back stairs. My projects are complete, other than the never-ending pile of laundry that never seems to get smaller. I do have to finish the final grades for my students (by tomorrow) and I ought to be working on my professional growth plan, that ideally should be handed in this June, but won't, at the rate I'm going. I will eventually get it done though because it's an update to my Transition Manual that I have written and give to parents and agency workers.
Last week was rather boring because Lydia was still in daycare. I did use the opportunity to get out for a bit once a day. I picked up the last of the nursery and baby items that I needed pre-arrival. I also picked up two pair of cute pajamas for the hospital-- all curiosity of my surprise baby sprinkle gift cards. I also got a manicure and pedicure and met Pete for lunch one afternoon. Nothing too exhilarating. I am keeping up with the house a little each day which is do-able and keeps me from needing to do a weekly big clean. It's how I used to clean when I was home on maternity leave with Lyds for those 7-months. It's nice because you don't really feeling like you're "cleaning" when you don't have to do it all at once.
My last OB appointment was Monday. I was feeling crampy and nauseous on Sunday but I felt better by Monday. She did an internal check and all is good. My next appointment isn't for two weeks unless I feel crampy again. 28-days to go.
We're having our maternity and family photos done on Saturday. I hope they turn out well! We have a few play dates coming up next week. I'm trying to make sure Lydia can get out here and there so we both don't go stir crazy in the house. Today we're just meeting a friend and her daughter out for lunch and then we'll be home for the rest of the day. A few hours out of the house will do us good on this rainy day.
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