Sunday, September 18, 2011

Beak and Skiff Apple Picking


Waiting in line for the wagon ride to pick some apples!

Wagon ride!

Jon insisted on having his own bag.

He was very good at picking apples.

Jonny, you found a good one!

We were followed by YNN news for a local story.

These are all mine!

Lydia was interviewed on how to pick apples.

She was very good. I'm so proud of her!

Counting the apples.

Pete and Jon had a little interview as well. I stayed right away from the camera!

They caught this on video too.

After apple picking we went to play for a bit.

Sunday, September 11, 2011

Beaver Lake Harvest Festival

In the fall we always seem to keep super busy with the fun community activities that happen every September and October. For the past few years, we've made this Harvest Fest our first official autumn activity.

JP wasn't too sure of the goats. Lyds was offered some goats milk to drink but she didn't dare. Jon, on the other hand, didn't know any better and tried some. He wasn't impressed.

Big sister tried to show brother that the goats are nice.

We met some friends at the festival and enjoyed a wagon ride together. Lyds really did have fun, even though her face says otherwise.
Our neighbor friend, Makenna, joined us for this fun fall activity too!

Jon and Lyds really know how to rock out!

Saturday, September 10, 2011

Fall Soccer

Given a choice between ballet and indoor soccer this winter, Lydia chose indoor soccer, hands down. Northstars, here we come!

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

First Day of School

There she is! The new kindergartner.

Daddy decided to surprise her and watch her get on the bus from her morning program.


Hi Daddy!!

Waiting in line for the bus.
Heading out in the rain for her first bus ride to school.
Someone looks like she's getting a little excited!
Bye Daddy!
She is sitting in the window with the bus number. Have a great first day Lydia!