Thursday, October 28, 2010

Our Knot wedding page revisited

JULY 2, 2005
 Newlyweds for 1944 days!

Carrie grew up in Syracuse, New York. She graduated from the Lemoyne College with a Masters of Special Education. She is a special education teacher in Dewitt.

Petar grew up in Syracuse, New York. He graduated from Saint Bonaventure University, with a BBA in Business Adminstration and Management Sciences. He is a mortgage broker in Baldwinsville.

Petar and Carrie were lucky enough to meet on an online dating website. We both joined it a month prior to meeting. I like to tell everyone that I bought Petar off the internet for only $19.95.

December 4, 2004

On December 4th, 2004, we headed to the Painted Lady Bed and Breakfast in Elmira for our one year anniversary (November 30th) celebration. Along the way we stopped in Ithaca to see the waterfalls. Petar does some fishing in the Finger Lake area and he wanted to check the water levels so we stopped at one of the areas that he likes to fish in. He asked me if I wanted to go. It was cold and windy but I went because I really had to go to the bathroom and I was hoping for a secluded spot to go in. Along the walk from the car to the falls I was complaining that I was cold and really had to pee- a typical Carrie moment. Pete was holding my hand, being patient as we walked along. We neared the falls and he points out a good ‘pee’ spot for me. I turn around and there he is on one knee, holding a box, asking me to marry him. At that moment I had forgotten that my bladder was bursting and I was no longer cold. I said yes and jumped on him, giving him a hug with my arms and legs. I really didn’t expect it at that moment. I had a feeling it might be coming soon and quite possibly over dinner or over wine next to the fireplace in our room. Never did I expect that he would do it near the falls. I was completely caught off guard. Later he told me if I had decided not to go see the falls with him, that he would’ve waited for the next day, and stopped again on our trip back home. Petar called my dad the Friday prior to ask for his blessing. He was also going to ask my mother too, but I crimped that plan when I decided to hide the key at the house rather than drop it off to her. Mom took care of Oki while we were gone on our overnight trip. The rest of the trip was magical. The bed and breakfast was beautiful and very romantic. We had dinner in town at Charlie’s CafĂ©—recommended by the bed and breakfast. Over dinner we had called our parents to tell them the news.

We are getting married and having the reception at Saint George Orthodox Church. We will be having an Orthodox wedding ceremony. The bridesmaids will wear black dresses of their choosing and they will carry pink rose bouquets.

Pete stumbled upon our The Knot wedding web page. I thought it would be nice to put here so when I print this blog, I'll have it for the kids to see someday. I should also mention that my ring was about three sizes too small and it didn't have a stone in it. I have a beautiful sapphire ring, and he was nervous about picking a quality sapphire on his own, so we went and did that together at the jeweler the following week. Recently Pete planned a romantic getaway for us at the same bed and breakfast in December. We both can't wait!

Sunday, October 24, 2010


Lyds had a manicure play date! Dove is one of our group's sponsors, so we had a girl's "self esteem" day at Snip-Its salon, complete with Dove products for the moms. 

Everyone is very busy doing a craft as they wait their turn.

Dove products for the mamas.
The manicure.
Wait. NO BOYS ALLOWED! It looks like we have a party crasher.
Rock Stars!

Thursday, October 21, 2010


     The old October Challenge is a bust. I've only missed 3 days of workouts so it actually wasn't going too badly. I've been setting running goals for myself the past couple of weeks and making a weekly mileage goal which seems to get me more motivated to move than saying, "work out everyday."  I like something more structured, so I picked a half-marathon training plan to follow, even though I have no intention to actually run in a race because that would be just crazy. So why do I run if I never participate in organized runs? I run because I like it. I run for me. I run for the personal challenge. I run for the satisfaction of knowing I can go the distance. I like running with my friends. I like getting my non-running friends excited to run. I run because it is the most efficient way to burn calories. I run to feel strong. I run because I can. I like feeling a sense of accomplishment when I meet a running goal. So a half-marathon training plan it is. I picked a 4-month plan since there isn't a race date I have to meet. This should hopefully get me out there on the cold winter weekends for my long runs, because who wants to do those on a treadmill?
     There are a lot of fun Halloween activities coming up for the kids. We have a Halloween packed weekend, a few things mid-week, bringing us right into the actual Halloween weekend full of ghostly fun. Spookiness all around! Pete and I even have our own party to go to. I HATE dressing up, but we are going to a costume party, so...

     And if you're wondering if Pete ever catches anything when he goes fishing on the weekend:
33 inches long and 19 inch girth, which is around 16lbs
     Oh, and the peanut butter cake cups? I didn’t forget about making them…we have another faculty breakfast coming up next week that I plan on making them for. Yum!

Friday, October 8, 2010

Autumn Weekend

Lydia, September 2008
     The October Challenge is still going strong. I only made one strength class at the gym this week, but I hope to catch another one on Saturday, after my long run. I’m planning to run at the park after work today. We’re having a gorgeous couple of days—nice and sunny. It was a tad windy for yesterday’s run. I actually felt like I was running in place a few times and the occasional leaf whacking me in the face wasn’t really fun either. It was nice to get out and enjoy the sun though. Even with the wind, it wasn’t really cold. 
     I had five parents for open house! Go me! The two hours went by quickly—very different from the years that I had no parents. 
     Michael Pollan was FANTASTIC! It was really just a summary of the books he has written, so it wasn’t new information to me, but it was still nice to hear his lecture. Go check out a few of his books from the library. Seriously. He even has books on CD so you can listen to them in the car, if you don’t have time to read. I have the PBS documentary The Botany of Desire (based on his book) to watch this weekend. 
     It looks like Pete won’t get to help out with Project Healing Waters this year. They canceled it because the water levels are still too high for any decent fly fishing. On a positive note though, since Healing Waters was canceled, he’ll be around for the birthday party and the pumpkin picking planned for this weekend. I’m looking forward to a nice Columbus Day weekend with our family. No work on Monday! 

 Here are a few pumpkin picking pictures from September 2008:

Cousin's  Breanna and Gavin will be joining us for pumpkin picking again this year!

September 2008

Lyds looks so tiny!

Monday, October 4, 2010

Don't believe the hype. Macs are where it's at!

      I made the granola bars this weekend, which turned out fantastically. I will be making them again. I didn't get around to the peanut butter cups, but hope to later this week. This week is kind of hairy schedule wise, so I may have to put them off even longer. My waistline continues to thank me. 
     I should mention that my October challenge really started October 2nd. I rebelled right away and didn't get in a workout for October 1st. I'll just extend it a day to still get my 31 consecutive days in. I'm going strong though. I ran before the CureSearch walk on Saturday and I FINALLY got my 6.5 miles in on Sunday.  I ran this morning and I'm headed to a spin boot camp class this afternoon. Go me. 
     This week I have Open House at work, which I am less than enthusiastic about. I am a small program and since I have my students for 4+ years, very often the parents don't come back year after year. We have good communication throughout the school year, which is nice, but leads to a lackluster parent's night for me. I am guesstimating that I might have 5 parents this year...which is actually half my class. Hey, I guess it's not going to as bad as I thought!
     Pete and I also have "date night" to go see Michael Pollan, which I am extremely excited about!  Here's a link to a shortened version of Michale Pollan's Food Rules. Here are his top ten:
     Oh, and I ate a Honey Crisp apple. Don't believe the hype. Macs are where it's at!

Sunday, October 3, 2010

Old McDonald's Farm, August 2010

In August, we went to Old McDonald's Farm for our last summer activity before the start of the school year.

Friday, October 1, 2010

October Challenge

     The baking is still on for the weekend; however, I screwed up with the faculty breakfast. It was THIS week, not next, so now what will I do with those leftovers?? I think my students will be happy on Monday morning…The blog I stole borrowed the recipe from is pure evil. There are also apple cookies I need to try the next time I am required to bring something, somewhere. I just can’t have her evil baked goods taunting me, so the only way around it will be to bake for something specific. I would like to finally lose these last 15 pounds I’ve been hanging on to for the last year.
     This brings me to my October personal challenge of working out everyday for at least 30 minutes. I figured at the very least I'll get a 3-mile run in. Mission: Buff Arms was fairly successful. I did a boot camp all summer and now continue with 2-3 strength focused classes at the gym each week. I certainly have a lot more arm strength than I started out with and more bicep than I had before. With the holiday’s right around the corner, there is no better time than now to start this personal challenge. If you remember, my initial weight loss (between kids) started with a Weight Watchers sign up the DAY BEFORE Thanksgiving. Who does that? Me. I lost 42 pounds by April, with a steady loss showing right through the holidays. It certainly can be done. I proved that. I think I finally adjusted to my back-to-work schedule, so now is the perfect time. This challenge should get me moving on those days I don’t really want to. I am pretty good about working out most days of the week, but I need a little extra something to jump start the weight loss. It would be so nice to be at goal weight for my BIG 4-0 in March. Today is officially Day 1 of the challenge and the plan is to run 4-6 miles before dinner tonight.
         We head quite the rain storm yesterday with some flooding in areas, so Pete’s Healing Waters has been pushed to next weekend. Flooded riverbanks don’t make for good fly-fishing. Perhaps we can go to the Big Trucks event that I found for the kids, unless of course it’s raining because that would be a muddy mess. It’s full of big trucks and a sand pit for the kids to play in. I didn’t go last year, but I know a few people that did, and they said it was a great kid’s event. Saturday is supposed to be the nicer of the two days, so that will be perfect for the CureSearch walk.
     Next week Pete and I have a “date night” set to go see Michael Pollan. His books are amazing and worth the read. His books were actually the start for my dietary change to remove processed food from my diet. I eat “cleaner” than ever before, but I’m still not perfect, nor do I ever expect to be. But I can say we don’t purposely buy processed food, and we don’t eat at fast food restaurants, except for occasionally places like Panera, or to grab a quick slice of pizza. I figure they have far better choices than a place like McDonalds. Anyway, if you haven’t read anything by Pollan, go to the library and check out a book or two. Here’s a bit of information on him:
“For the past twenty-five years, Michael Pollan has been writing books and articles about the places where nature and culture intersect: on our plates, in our farms and gardens, and in the built environment. He is the author of four New York Times bestsellers: Food Rules: An Eater’s ManualIn Defense of Food: An Eater’s Manifesto (2008); The Omnivore’s Dilemma: A Natural History of Four Meals (2006) and The Botany of Desire: A Plant’s-Eye View of the WorldThe Omnivore’s Dilemma was named one of the ten best books of 2006 by both the New York Times and the Washington Post. It also won the California Book Award, the Northern California Book Award, the James Beard Award, and was a finalist for the National Book Critics Circle Award. A young readers edition called The Omnivore’s Dilemma: the Secrets Behind What You Eat was published in 2009. The Botany of Desire received the Borders Original Voices Award for the best non-fiction work of 2001, and was recognized as a best book of the year by the American Booksellers Association and PBS premiered a two-hour special documentary based on The Botany of Desire in fall 2009. Pollan is also the author of A Place of My Own (1997) and Second Nature (1991).”   To read more: