Christmas is just around the corner. It seems to be coming quickly this year. I have just a bit of shopping left to do, and of course, all that gift-wrapping. Christmas cards have been ordered, so as soon as they arrive, I'll send them out. I cut them by 50% this year. It's just a crazy expense and it's probably unnecessary to send 75+ cards out every year.
The orthopedist didn't find any stress fractures on the x-rays, so he thinks it's muscle strains. He sent me off with a script for Naproxen and physical therapy. I had my PT appointment yesterday and he agrees that it's muscle strains. He heated the lower calf muscle and then did some stretching. He thinks the thigh strain was due to the change in gait the calf strain caused and it threw my knee out of alignment. He thinks that strain will heal as soon as the knee is straighten out so he suggested I get and wear a neoprene knee sleeve for a while to readjust the knee and let the strain heal. I should be running again by the New Year! Excellent news since 2011 is going to be my Year of Running!
Weight Watchers is kicking along. I had an "unofficial" weigh-in last week since I went at 6-days and didn't wait for the new WW week to start. I knew I was going to be out of town for my official day so I went the day before. I forgot they wouldn’t weigh you in "officially" if you do that. I did lose another two at that weigh-in though, so I am down for a total of five. I might go weigh-in today to be "official" and then start next week, back to my regular Sunday meetings. I am sure I am back at my lifetime weight, which means free meetings again. Yippee!
As you can see, the sweet husband planned a romantic overnight to the place he proposed to me. He's such a good husband. I was so surprised when he called me to tell me he booked the weekend. I have no complaints about this guy. I seriously think he could write a "Good Husband" manual. Really.
We have had some record snowfall this week. It has caused havoc for morning and evening commutes and even caused several school closings...except for the school where I teach. All three snowy days we were opened. From News 9 website (Dec. 8): "Since then, flakes have flown for just about every hour, and in this long duration event, we've surpassed 43.2" of snowfall for the storm in Syracuse through midnight. This rivals the snow we saw in the Blizzard of '66 (42.3") and the Blizzard of '93 (42.9"). With lake effect snow still cranking Wednesday night, we'll easily surpass those hallmark snowstorms in snow totals." Tonight we have a Christmas craft play date. The roads should be back to "non-storm" driving conditions by this afternoon. I have missed my morning workouts all week because I was secretly hoping for a snow day. It’s back to the gym tomorrow morning! The weather is calling for a respite before the snow is expected to return on Sunday.